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  • AFGM's Big Moves and How You Can Help

AFGM's Big Moves and How You Can Help


Greg Holmes, Michael Morgan, and Larry Duke

Welcome to a special edition of the G.R.O.W. newsletter, where we spotlight transformative moments and invite you to play an important role in our journey. This week, we're thrilled to share an inspiring appearance by AFGM's President and Founder, Michael Morgan, and Vice President, William Gregory Holmes, Sr., on Fox 5's Good Day DC. Our discussion highlighted the impactful initiatives and marked a significant moment in our mission to guide and uplift young minds.

We're also excited to announce the launch of A Few Good MENtors TV on YouTube. Here, you can watch the full interview and get an insider's view of our work and the voices behind our vision. This new platform will serve as a place for inspiration, education, and community engagement, extending the reach of our message and the depth of our impact.

As we gear up for the summer with our highly anticipated Reading Challenge, we urge you to explore how you can contribute, whether by becoming a mentor, enrolling a mentee, or supporting our cause through donations. Each action you take helps to weave a stronger fabric for our community, ensuring every child has the opportunity to grow, succeed, and thrive.

This issue is packed with information on getting involved and making a tangible difference. Let’s continue to redefine the way forward with guidance, dedication, and the collective power of our community.

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AFGM Leaders Shine on Fox 5 Good Day DC

Last Monday marked a remarkable moment for A Few Good MENtors, Inc. (AFGM) as we took to the screens of Fox 5's Good Day DC. This appearance was a significant milestone in our journey of mentorship and community impact, made possible by the relentless efforts of our board member and great friend, Larry Duke. His dedication to spreading the word about our mission was instrumental in setting up this opportunity—thank you, Larry, for your unwavering support!

AFGM's Vice-President, Greg Holmes, joined me on the show, who consistently pushes our agenda forward with his inspiring leadership and commitment. Behind the scenes, our day began with an early arrival—because, in our books, being ten minutes early means you're already late! Greg and I enjoyed a superb cup of coffee and pastries at a small coffee shop in the studio's lobby. Over a delicious vanilla latte, we reflected on the path that led us to this point—being featured on television was a humbling reminder of how far we’ve come and the lives we’ve touched.

As we moved up to the green room, awaiting our segment, we met a doctor scheduled to discuss kidney transplants. The conversation naturally turned towards how this topic resonates with both of us, knowing people navigating through their transplant journeys. We exchanged contact details, hopeful for future collaborations. Networking, as we’ve learned, is pivotal in the nonprofit world.

The green room experience was surreal—seeing familiar news personalities in person added an extra layer of excitement to our visit. Marissa Mitchell, one of the show's main hosts, greeted us warmly and informed us of a special celebration for Jacqueline Matter’s addition to the Good Day DC team. It was a pleasure to join in the festivities and witness the camaraderie among the Fox 5 staff.

When it came time for our interview, hosts Marissa Mitchell and Stephen Graddick welcomed us with such ease that any initial nerves quickly dissipated. Having represented AFGM at numerous events, Greg and I felt at home discussing the transformative impact of our programs. One key message I always emphasize within AFGM is to think big—no idea is too bold, no vision too vast. Every achieved goal sets the stage for the next; it’s about continuously pushing the envelope and exploring new possibilities.

As we wrap up this exhilarating experience and look ahead, I’m excited for what’s on the horizon. We're not just building a community; we're nurturing future leaders and changemakers. So, stay tuned—AFGM has many more inspiring stories to share and milestones to achieve.

Unleash the joy of learning with The Fidget Game, as featured on Shark Tank, and dive into a world of educational games designed to transform how children read and learn, one fun step at a time.


Reading for Change: Empowering Youth with Every Page

Our recent appearance on Fox 5's Good Day DC spotlighted an urgent educational crisis and AFGM's proactive initiative to address it—the 2024 AFGM Summer Reading Challenge. During the interview, we were asked about the literacy statistics that underscore the necessity of such programs. Here are a few troubling facts that highlight the critical state of literacy in the United States:

  • 85% of juveniles facing trial have difficulty reading.

  • A quarter of American children grow up without becoming proficient readers.

  • Children who do not read proficiently by third grade are four times more likely to leave high school without a diploma than proficient readers.

  • Half of the adult population in the U.S. reads below an eighth-grade level.

These figures are more than just numbers; they represent a deeply rooted issue that affects the future of our youth and, ultimately, our society. Recognizing this, AFGM has partnered with key figures like Brandi Dugal, CEO of The Fidget Game, and Jennifer Roberts, AFGM board member and owner of Conversations in Community. Together, we are determined to turn the tide on literacy deficits by making reading a cornerstone of summer activities for kindergarten through 12th-grade students.

Our Summer Reading Challenge is designed to engage children in an enriching literary journey over the summer months. The challenge is simple yet impactful: we ask each participant to read at least five books between June 17th and August 23rd. We rely on parents to monitor their progress and provide continual encouragement to ensure they stay on track.

At the end of the summer, participants are invited to submit their reading logs via email. In return, they stand to receive fantastic rewards. Elementary students can look forward to exciting prizes, while middle and high school students have the opportunity to win monetary awards. This motivates the students and celebrates their accomplishments, reinforcing the value and joy of reading.

Registration is essential to participate in this transformative experience. Interested families can sign up by clicking on the image below or visiting our website at www.afgmentoring.net. By registering, you commit to empowering your child with a critical life skill that extends far beyond academic success.

Through the AFGM Summer Reading Challenge, we aim to improve literacy rates and foster a lifelong love of reading among children. This initiative is a cornerstone of our commitment to mentorship and education, aligning with our broader mission to nurture capable, confident young individuals. We believe that every book opened expands a child’s world, and every page turned is a step towards a more enlightened future. Join us in making a lasting impact—one book, one child, and one summer at a time.

Our main sponsor, A Few Good MENtors, Inc., is lighting the way for the next generation, providing the mentorship and guidance young people need to confidently navigate their paths to success.


The Power of Mentorship in Shaping Futures

At A Few Good MENtors, Inc. (AFGM), we firmly believe that mentorship is more than a program—it's a transformative journey that molds the futures of young minds. As we continue to cultivate this environment, our needs and challenges grow. Despite the incredible support from our sponsors and the success of our grant applications, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment where the generosity of individual donors becomes crucial. We urgently need monthly donations to maintain and expand our reach to more cities and lives.

Every donation you make is an investment in human potential. Your contributions help us cover essential operational costs and ensure our doors remain open for future leaders. We're not asking for grand gestures—any reasonable amount you can commit regularly will make a substantial difference. In the uncertain times that we all navigate, your immediate action can secure a brighter tomorrow. Please consider joining our cause today; the future of many promising youths depends on it.

Our mission is driven by robust core values, including spirituality, mental and physical health, career development, etiquette, financial literacy, leadership, and education. These pillars are not just ideals we aspire to; they are standards we live by and impart through our mentoring. Our comprehensive approach ensures that mentees receive well-rounded guidance that prepares them for various life aspects, making them successful individuals and conscientious members of society.

As we expand, the demand for new mentors and mentees grows. We are actively recruiting individuals passionate about making a difference and willing to invest time in building the next generation. Whether you're interested in becoming a mentor or enrolling as a mentee, your journey with AFGM will be one of growth, learning, and profound connections.

Mentorship through AFGM is a commitment to future excellence. Our mentors are not just guides but role models, teachers, and advocates for our mentees. They bring their life experiences and professional expertise to the table, enriching the mentorship experience with real-world knowledge and practical skills. This exchange fosters an environment where both mentors and mentees can develop personally and professionally.

To all potential donors and volunteers, your involvement could catalyze a significant change in someone’s life. Imagine the impact of your gift—your contribution could help a young person navigate the complexities of growing up, setting them on a path to success that might otherwise have been out of reach. With your support and dedication, we can continue to build strong, future-ready leaders who are prepared to contribute positively to our communities and beyond.

We invite you to join us on this rewarding journey. Your involvement is crucial, whether through mentorship, donations, or both. Join us in shaping the future and helping our young people realize their potential. Remember, when we build strong children, we eliminate the need to repair broken adults. Let's invest in our children today for a stronger community tomorrow.

Weekly Challenge

Join the Movement: Pledge an Hour to Mentorship with AFGM


"Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction. — John Crosby"


As we close another enriching edition of our G.R.O.W. newsletter, we extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of our readers, donors, and supporters. Your engagement and generosity make it possible for A Few Good MENtors, Inc. to continue our vital work in the community. Each contribution, whether it be time, expertise, or financial support, truly makes a difference in the lives of the young individuals we mentor.

Looking forward, mark your calendars for our next issue dropping on April 30th. In our upcoming edition, we will shift our focus towards an equally essential aspect of our well-being—physical health. We’ll explore effective strategies for maintaining physical fitness and discuss how staying active supports overall wellness. This issue promises to provide valuable insights and practical tips that can be incorporated into your daily routines to enhance your physical and mental health.

We remain committed to our mission of guiding and redefining the way forward for our youth, and we eagerly anticipate continuing this journey with you. Remember, the support we receive from you not only helps us sustain our initiatives but also allows us to expand our reach and impact. If you haven’t already, please consider making a donation or spreading the word about our efforts. Every little bit helps us go a long way in nurturing the leaders of tomorrow.

Thank you once again for being a crucial part of our growth and resilience. Here’s to fostering healthy bodies and minds in our next exciting issue! Stay tuned, stay healthy, and continue to grow with us at A Few Good MENtors, Inc.