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  • The Breakthrough

The Breakthrough


As we bid farewell to 2023, it's a time to reflect and look ahead with renewed optimism. Here at G.R.O.W., we've been honored to bring you insightful content each week that has enriched your lives and supported our non-profit mission at A Few Good MENtors, Inc. As this is our final issue for the year, we're already gearing up to reconnect with you on January 8, 2024.

Gospel recording artist Jonathan McReynolds once sang about 'Cycles,' touching upon the familiar struggle of recurring negative patterns in our lives. We thought we'd overcome these challenges, yet they often resurface if not thoroughly addressed. But let's turn a new leaf as we step into 2024 – a year we're declaring the year of "Breakthrough!" This will be our time to shine, excel, and break free from those negative cycles that have held us back.

This week's issue is dedicated to that very theme of breaking through. We hope it inspires you, offers new perspectives, and sets you on a path to a truly transformative year. As we part ways for the holiday season, I extend my heartfelt wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. May this festive season be joyful, peaceful, and incredible breakthroughs for all.


Put Yourself in the Shoes of Others

Walking in another person’s shoes is the ability to see things from their perspective. It isn’t easy. What if you have nothing in common with them? Or have you been hurt badly by their actions? Just the idea of trying to see the other side can be a challenge. But what we can gain from trying is always more than we could ever imagine. Here are a few things we can try.

Understanding Empathy:

• Empathy involves deeply understanding and sharing the feelings of others beyond mere sympathy.

• It's about seeing the world from another person's perspective and connecting with their experiences.

Empathy as a Community Builder:

• Practicing empathy can bridge cultural, racial, and social divides.

• It fosters unity and solidarity, breaking down barriers of misunderstanding and prejudice.

Stories and Anecdotes:

• Use personal experiences and stories to illustrate empathy's power in diverse situations.

• These narratives showcase empathy as a tool for societal transformation and personal connection.

Practical Steps to Cultivate Empathy:

• Actively listen to others without judgment or preconceived notions.

• Practice open-mindedness and set aside personal biases to understand another's situation fully.

• Engage in conversations with a genuine interest in others’ experiences and viewpoints.


Choose To See The Wider Perspective

Choosing to view the bigger picture is more than an outlook; it's a conscious decision that enriches our understanding of the world around us. Imagine, for a moment, a scenario where two individuals are locked in a disagreement. Now, picture how the situation changes when each person steps back to consider the other's perspective. Suddenly, the path to empathy and understanding becomes clear. Broadening our view helps us grasp why events occur as they do, fostering a sensitive response. It transforms anger into understanding and hatred into compassion. By expanding our horizons, we evolve, moving beyond the confines of our worldview.

Consider this: looking from a distance makes the bigger picture more apparent. If you're struggling to gain perspective, try stepping back and consulting a trusted friend for their viewpoint. Remember, nothing is static; change is the only constant. Sometimes, patience is necessary to see this evolution.

Reflect on the blessings life offers rather than its denials. Shift your mindset from obligations to opportunities; for instance, instead of saying, "I have to go to work," try, "I am fortunate to have a job." Embrace gratitude, and let it be a commitment, not just a fleeting thought.

Embracing new experiences broadens your understanding. Diverse experiences and knowledge offer a more comprehensive view of the world. Why not try a recipe from an unfamiliar culture or a book genre you’ve never explored? Each new experience is a step toward a broader perspective.

In conclusion, choosing to see the broader perspective is an ongoing journey of growth and discovery. As we challenge ourselves to expand our viewpoints, we build a world rich in empathy, understanding, and unity. So, why not start today?


The Power of The F-Word-Forgiveness

Forgiveness. Now, there's a word that packs a punch. It's like that heavy-weight champion, often misunderstood and underestimated. In our journey through the ups and downs of human relationships, forgiveness is not just a nice thing to say; it's essential for keeping our emotions in check and our hearts at ease.

Here's a straightforward take on mastering this F-word:

Face the Music: First things first, acknowledge the hurt. You can't fix what you don't face. It’s like acknowledging that one off-key string when playing a guitar that needs tuning.

Empathy, Not Sympathy: Try to understand the 'why' behind the action that hurt you. This isn't about excusing what happened but understanding the flaw behind it.

Choose to Lose (the Baggage): Decide to let go. Forgiveness is a choice, a conscious decision to drop the emotional baggage that's weighing you down.

Release and Relax: Letting go of resentment is liberating. Imagine dropping a heavy load you’ve been carrying around. It feels good, doesn't it?

Positivity in Place: Fill the void left by the hate with positive thoughts and feelings. It’s like turning a blank canvas into a new painting.

Maintenance Mode: Stay vigilant. Old grudges can sneak back in if you're not careful. Regularly check and make sure resentment does not return.

Forgiveness, in essence, is about reclaiming your peace of mind. It's not about letting someone else off the hook or allowing their actions to hook into you and drag you down. Think of it as the ultimate act of self-care. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.

What’s new with AFGM

January is National Mentoring Month. Here are some ways to celebrate in January:

  • Connect with us to open a chapter in your area.

  • Sign up to be a mentor.

  • Sign your son up to be a mentee.

  • We are currently accepting applications for our spring session.

We are currently enrolling for our spring session sign up today! Go to www.afgmentoring.org.