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  • Gestures That Speak Volumes

Gestures That Speak Volumes


Hey there, G.R.O.W. enthusiasts!

Here we are, another week, another dive into the essence of what brings us together—G.R.O.W., or as we like to say, Guidance Redefines Our Way. It’s our compass, steering us toward personal growth and understanding, one insightful topic at a time.

As we continue marching into March, let’s pause and tip our hats to the phenomenal working moms out there. National Working Moms Day is March 12, a moment to celebrate the incredible juggle of career and family these superheroes manage daily. Your resilience and dedication inspire us all!

This week, we're discussing various topics that promise to enrich our minds and souls. Have you ever found yourself unsure of the proper way to give gifts? We’re tackling the nuances of gift-giving etiquette to help you nail it every time. Plus, we’re going on a cultural exploration to understand how to navigate the diverse world around us respectfully.

And we're exploring the power of silence for those moments filled with too many words and not enough pauses. Knowing when to hold back can be as impactful as a well-timed word. Of course, we’ve also lined up our weekly challenge and a thought-provoking quote to keep you inspired and motivated.

So, grab your favorite beverage, find a comfortable spot, and let’s get into it. Here’s to a week of learning, growing, and embracing life.


Michael R. Morgan

Editor, G.R.O.W. Newsletter and CEO/Founder A Few Good MENtors, Inc.


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Gift Giving Etiquette
The Art of Thoughtful Presenting

Have you ever considered the power of a well-chosen gift? In "Gift Giving Etiquette: The Art of Thoughtful Presenting," we will explore the subtle differences in selecting presents that resonate deeply and provide memories that linger long after the wrapping paper has been thrown away.

Trust me, navigating gift-giving can feel like an art form, balancing personal touches with cultural sensitivities and occasion appropriateness. Whether for a friend or a respected colleague, each gift bears a message and reflects the bond to celebrate or strengthen. I would not consider myself an expert, just a guide. Let's take a look at this together and learn how we can master this art, transforming ordinary moments into connection and appreciation.

Context is everything. The nature of our relationship with the recipient and the occasion's significance help shape our choices, making them resonate with a personal and shared touch. A thoughtful selection demonstrates our understanding and consideration of the gift recipient.

So, how about timing? Timing enhances the gift, aligning our offering with the celebrations or moments of need. It's not all about the gift but the timing of the giving that makes the difference.

The debate between practicality and sentimentality often arises. Striking a balance, or choosing which side to lean on, depends on our understanding of the recipient's current life. Most of us want to receive a gift that merges what we need with personal significance. This type of gift becomes a token of your thoughtfulness.

Ah, the grand finale: presenting your gift. This is where you elevate your gift from "Oh, you shouldn't have" to "Oh wow, you REALLY shouldn't have!" A well-wrapped gift accompanied by a handwritten note turns a simple exchange into an Oscar-worthy moment of appreciation and connection. So, why not pen down a few heartfelt (or funny) words next time you're gifting?

Cultural sensitivity is important, and we will discuss more of this later. It guides us through the diverse traditions and expectations in our world. Understanding and honoring these differences ensures our gifts bridge cultures with respect and empathy.

At its core, gift-giving is all about generosity. We should not expect some reciprocation. The joy in the giving and the excitement in the recipient's eyes should be enough reward for our efforts.

As we refine our gift-giving, let's remember it's more than the object itself—the intention, the care, and the connection. So, as we step into the world of thoughtful presenting, G.R.O.W. community, let's make each gift a bridge to deeper understanding and a testament to the beauty of our bonds. Let’s elevate our gift-giving to an art form where every presentation is a masterpiece.


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International Etiquette
Navigating Different Cultures Gracefully

Traveling is one of my favorite things to do, and learning about different cultures is the best part. But, have you ever stopped to think that what flies at home in the States might not sit well in another country? "International Etiquette: Navigating Different Cultures Gracefully" is about dodging those cultural issues and making every international interaction count.

Knowing how to navigate different cultures is essential in our super-connected world. That's why we tapped into the wisdom of Dr. Deborah Swallow, a guru in international etiquette. With her resume of speaking, consulting, and writing on cultural diversity and global business practices, Dr. Swallow tells us straight up: "Cultural awareness is your ticket to meaningful global relationships. It's not just about not messing up; it's about connecting worlds."

Here's some guidance on how to not just survive but thrive across the globe, according to Dr. Swallow:

  • Do Your Homework: Before you land in a new place, hit the books (or, let's be real, the internet). Knowing what's cool and what's not, from greetings to gestures, can prevent awkward moments.

  • Food Indescreations: Meals around the world are a minefield of manners. Slurping in Japan is practically a compliment, but eating with your left hand in many parts of the Middle East? Not so much.

  • Dress the Part: Clothes talk. And their language can vary wildly depending on where you are. When in doubt, lean conservative until you get a feel for the local fashion do's and don'ts.

  • Speak Their Language: Even a tiny effort in the local language can go a long way. Knowing how to say "thanks," "please," and "sorry" can open doors and hearts.

  • Personal Space: Everyone has a bubble. Just remember that the size of that bubble changes depending on where you are. A kiss on the cheek might be okay in Rome but could cause a scene somewhere more conservative.

  • Gift Giving 101: Presents are a whole thing. The wrong color of wrapping paper or how you hand it over can speak volumes, so pay attention to the details.

Dr. Swallow makes a great point: "It's not about memorizing a list of don'ts but showing you're open, respectful, and keen to understand." The thrill of learning how other folks live, love, and celebrate enriches our travels.

Let's do it with an open heart and mind as we wander the globe. We're not just tourists; we're building bridges, fostering understanding, and hopefully, making the world a little smaller, one respectful interaction at a time. So, let’s become ambassadors of empathy and unity, armed with the knowledge and respect that can only come from embracing the diversity around us. Let the adventures begin!


Jeffrey Wright Shut Up GIF by HBO

The Elegance of Silence: When Not Speaking Says More

This week in Bridge Builders, we're tuning into "The Elegance of Silence: When Not Speaking Says More." It’s funny, right? In our world, which never seems to hit the pause button, the idea of silence can almost seem out of place. But, as Susan Cain, our go-to expert for all things introspection and quiet power, shows us, silence is actually one of the most underrated superpowers in our communication toolkit.

Susan Cain isn't just any expert. She's the writer behind "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking," shedding light on how much we undervalue the quiet ones among us. In 2015, she kicked off Quiet Revolution, diving deep into how we can use quiet strengths in kids, the workplace, and beyond. Her books, including "Quiet Power" and "Bittersweet," explore everything from the hidden strengths of introverts to finding beauty in the dullest moments of life. Essentially, she's all about showing that there's immense strength in stillness and reflection.

So, what magic does silence weave in our lives? Let’s break it down, Susan Cain style:

  • Deep Dives: Silence is our ticket to really getting down to the nitty-gritty of our thoughts. Cain reminds us that those quiet moments aren’t just breaks in the noise; they’re where we do some serious mental lifting.

  • The Power of Pause: Have you ever noticed how a pause in a song can really make you feel the lyrics? That’s what strategic silence does in our chats. It’s not empty space; it’s emphasizing what really matters.

  • Genuine Vibes: Rushing to fill every conversation gap can water down what we're trying to say. Cain points out that embracing those silent spots can lead to deeper, more authentic exchanges.

  • Chill in the Air: Jumping in too quickly can exacerbate a tense situation. Silence gives us a second to breathe, think, and then respond in a way that’s actually helpful.

Susan Cain is all about leveraging silence, not as a fallback when we've got nothing to say, but as a powerful choice. It's about listening, being there in the moment, and really tuning into what's being shared.

  • Culture Vulture: Silence isn’t a one-size-fits-all concept. It means different things across the globe, and Cain is all for understanding these nuances to ensure our silent moments bring us closer, not further apart.

  • Timing is Everything: Knowing when to let silence do the talking is an art. It’s about reading the room and ensuring silence adds to the conversation, not detracting from it.

  • Balance is Key: All silence and no talk make for a pretty boring conversation. It’s about finding that sweet spot where silence and words work together to create meaningful dialogue.

  • Check Yourself: Before you go silent, think about why. Cain encourages us to make sure our silent moments are about building bridges, not walls.

To wrap this up, silence isn’t about just shutting up. It’s a skill, a choice, and, according to Susan Cain, a way to bring a little more understanding and depth to our world. So, let’s give our chatty selves a little break now and then and see what wisdom silence has to offer. Here’s to the quiet moments, G.R.O.W. family – may they bring us a little closer, deeper, and more connected.


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This week, let's shake things up with a kindness blitz! Your mission: Surprise someone with a little gift, just because. No birthdays or holidays are required—just a pure, spontaneous act of thoughtfulness. Let's spread some unexpected joy and see how it brightens their day (and yours). Ready, set, kindness


"Etiquette means behaving yourself a little better than is absolutely essential." - Will Cuppy

Let's embrace those extra steps of courtesy, lifting our spirits and those around us. Here's to the small efforts that make a big difference!


Big thanks to each of you in the G.R.O.W. community for joining us on this journey week after week. Your feedback fuels our mission, so don't hesitate to drop me a line at [email protected] with your thoughts and ideas or just to say you're enjoying the ride.

Mentorship Calls: The clock's ticking on our mentorship program applications, closing on 3/16/2024. Whether you're seeking wisdom or have insights to share, we're here to connect you. Dive in at www.afgmentoring.org and join our circle of impact.

Invest in Their Future: This summer, we're giving an AFGM mentee an incredible chance to leap into investing, thanks to Junior Wallstreeters, with us covering the cost. For details, email [email protected]. Don't let this opportunity slip by!

Lend Us Your Hands (or Clicks): AFGM thrives with your support. From tech wizards to creative scribes, your skills can help us grow. And, if you can, consider a donation to sustain our work. Every little bit helps us make a big difference. Click here to contribute:

What's Next: Mark your calendars for 3/19/2024! We'll delve into the essentials of team dynamics and leadership. It's going to be enlightening!

Expanding Horizons for Adults: Understanding the timeless value of guidance, we're thrilled to announce exclusive mentorship opportunities specifically designed for adults. This program is crafted to foster personal and professional evolution, offering a unique chance to be mentored directly by me. Interested in taking this transformative step? Reach out at (571) 989-2599 or [email protected] for further details.

Spread the Word: Letting others know about G.R.O.W. enhances our community's depth and diversity. Plus, when you share, you score awesome AFGM swag as a thank-you!

Thanks for being a vital part of our growth and resilience. Here's to moving forward together and becoming stronger.


Michael Morgan Editor, G.R.O.W. newsletter and CEO/Founder, A Few Good MENtors, Inc.