The Pink Ribbon That Ties Us All: Stories of Strength, Hope, and Action

Welcome to this week's special edition of G.R.O.W. - Guidance Redefines Our Way. As we embrace the crisp air of October, we also turn our attention to an important cause that touches countless lives: Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

This issue is dedicated to sharing stories of courage, providing insights on prevention, and inspiring action that can truly save lives. Whether you're a survivor, a supporter, or someone looking to learn more, this newsletter aims to inform, inspire, and empower you.

As we navigate this sensitive yet crucial topic, remember that knowledge is power, and awareness can be the first step toward positive change. Let's grow together in understanding and support.

Michael R. Morgan, President/Founder A Few Good MENtors, Inc. and Editor of GROW

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The Power of Early Detection

In the fight against breast cancer, early detection remains our most potent weapon. This section explores why catching breast cancer in its early stages can make all the difference.

The Importance of Regular Screenings and Self-Exams

Regular screenings, including mammograms and self-exams, are crucial in detecting breast cancer early when it's most treatable. The American Cancer Society recommends that women of average risk start annual mammograms at age 45, with the option to start at 40. However, it's essential to consult your healthcare provider to determine the best screening schedule based on your individual risk factors.

Self-exams are another vital tool. While they're not a substitute for professional screenings, they help you become familiar with your body, making it easier to notice changes. Perform self-exams monthly, ideally a few days after your menstrual period ends when your breasts are least likely to be swollen or tender.

Latest Advancements in Breast Cancer Detection Technology

The field of breast cancer detection is continually evolving. Some recent advancements include:

  1. 3D Mammography (Tomosynthesis): This technology creates a three-dimensional picture of the breast using X-rays, allowing doctors to see breast tissue more clearly and reducing the likelihood of false positives.

  2. Molecular Breast Imaging (MBI): This technique uses a radioactive tracer to highlight cancer cells, making it particularly useful for women with dense breast tissue.

  3. Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI algorithms are being developed to assist radiologists in interpreting mammograms, potentially improving accuracy and speed of diagnosis.

These technologies, combined with traditional methods, are enhancing our ability to detect breast cancer at its earliest and most treatable stages.

Personal Stories: The Impact of Early Detection

Meet Sarah, a 42-year-old mother of two. During a routine mammogram, a small lump was detected in her left breast. Thanks to this early detection, Sarah's cancer was caught at Stage 1. After treatment, she's now cancer-free and an advocate for regular screenings.

"I had no symptoms, no family history," Sarah shares. "If I had waited, my story might have been very different. That mammogram saved my life."

Stories like Sarah's underscore the critical importance of regular screenings. Early detection doesn't just improve survival rates; it often means less aggressive treatment and better quality of life for survivors.

CTA: Don't wait. Schedule your screening today. Early detection could be your lifesaver. Click here to find screening centers near you!

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Supporting Those in the Fight

A breast cancer diagnosis affects not just the individual but their entire support network. In this section, we explore how we can be there for those battling breast cancer and create a community of support.

Emotional Support for Loved Ones with Breast Cancer

When a loved one is diagnosed with breast cancer, it can be challenging to know how to help. Here are some ways to provide emotional support:

  1. Listen without judgment: Sometimes, the best thing you can do is lend an ear. Let them express their feelings without trying to "fix" everything.

  2. Offer specific help: Instead of saying, "Let me know if you need anything," offer assistance like "I can pick up groceries for you on Tuesday."

  3. Maintain normalcy: While acknowledging their struggle, try to maintain some sense of ordinary life. Watch favorite shows together or engage in activities when they feel up to it.

  4. Educate yourself: Learn about their specific diagnosis and treatment plan. This can help you understand what they're going through and anticipate their needs.

  5. Be patient: Treatment can be a long process. Your consistent presence and support over time can make a significant difference.

Community Resources and Support Groups

No one should face breast cancer alone. Fortunately, numerous resources and support groups exist:

  1. American Cancer Society's Reach To Recovery program: Connects breast cancer patients with survivors for one-on-one support.

  2. Living Beyond Breast Cancer: Offers a helpline, webinars, and conferences for breast cancer patients.

  3. Cancer Support Community: Provides support groups, educational workshops, and mind-body programs.

  4. Local hospital-based support groups: Many hospitals offer support groups for patients and their families.

  5. Online communities: Websites like have forums where patients and survivors can connect and share experiences.

How Men Can Be Allies in Breast Cancer Awareness and Support

While breast cancer predominantly affects women, men play a crucial role in awareness and support:

  1. Encourage screenings: Remind the women in your life to schedule regular mammograms and perform self-exams.

  2. Learn the facts: Educate yourself about breast cancer. Knowledge can help you provide better support and advocate for awareness.

  3. Participate in awareness events: Join walks, runs, or other fundraising events to show solidarity and raise funds for research.

  4. Offer practical support: Help with household chores, childcare, or transportation to medical appointments.

  5. Be emotionally available: Create a safe space for open, honest conversations about fears, hopes, and experiences.

  6. Advocate for research and funding: Support policies that promote breast cancer research and improve access to screenings and treatment.

Remember, breast cancer can affect men, too, albeit rarely. Men should also be aware of their breast health and consult a doctor if they notice any unusual changes.

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In this powerful section, we share personal experiences from our AFGM family and friends, demonstrating the real-life impact of breast cancer and the importance of awareness and support.

Carnisia Chavers' Story: A Survivor's Perspective

Carnisia Chavers, our Director of Communications/Social Media Coordinator and Board Member, bravely shares her journey:

"As a proud breast cancer survivor, I want to take a moment to share something close to my heart. Early detection saved my life. It gave me the strength and opportunity to fight back, and today, I'm here to tell my story. I share this with you not just as a survivor but as a reminder that regular testing, including self-exams and mammograms, can make all the difference.

Breast cancer doesn't discriminate—it touches us all in some way. A proactive approach is essential, whether it's your mother, sister, friend, or yourself. Make your health a priority, and don't wait until tomorrow to schedule your screenings. Early detection could be the key to saving your life or the life of someone you love.

During this Breast Cancer Awareness Month, let's honor those who have fought, those who are still fighting, and those we've lost by taking action. Spread the word, encourage others to get checked, and support those in this battle. Together, we are stronger."

Carnisia's powerful words remind us of the personal impact of breast cancer and the critical importance of early detection. Her story is a testament to the strength of survivors and the power of proactive health measures.

Brian Ajayi's Experience: Supporting a Loved One

Brian Ajayi, one of our board members and President of Alpha Nu Omega, shares his recent experience:

"I salute and honor you, CeCe, for your strength and transparency. I echo everything you said. The reason I have been relatively silent for the past several months is that I've been aiding my wife in her recovery from breast cancer. Glory be to God; we caught it early and were able to treat it early with no chemo.

Please encourage your loved ones to be proactive about their health and get screened."

Brian's story highlights the impact of breast cancer on families and the crucial role of support systems. It also reinforces that early detection can lead to more manageable treatment options and better outcomes.

These personal accounts from our AFGM family members bring home the reality of breast cancer and the importance of awareness, early detection, and support. They remind us that behind every statistic is a personal story of challenge, courage, and hope.

Sylvester and LaKeesha Walls: A Family's Journey of Faith and Resilience

Sylvester Walls, one of our mentors in the NOVA Chapter, and his wife LaKeesha share their powerful story:

"My family has had a few losses to cancer, so when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, it was important to me to emphasize to my children the fact that we caught it early and that I trusted that everything was going to be okay. It was also important that they saw my faith in action. In addition to battling breast cancer, we were in the process of selling our home and relocating. This required me to compartmentalize my emotions to ensure everything moved according to plan.

During my treatment and afterwards, I experienced complications. All of this was overwhelming for my daughter, and she decided to take some time off from school.

The biggest challenge we faced as a couple after my diagnosis was figuring out how my husband could show up for me and balance the demands of his career. My husband ultimately chose to trust God, put family first, and step out on faith, and I believe that brought us closer. My family has faced challenges head-on as we trust God and move forward on this journey, and I am happy to say I am now cancer-free."

The Walls family's story is a testament to the power of faith, family support, and resilience in the face of breast cancer. Their experience highlights the multifaceted challenges that come with a breast cancer diagnosis – from managing treatment and complications to maintaining family life and career responsibilities. It also underscores the importance of early detection and the strength that can be found in facing adversity together as a family unit.

Minister Salimu and Sallie Terrell: A Journey of Faith and Early Detection

Minister Salimu Terrell and her mother, Minister Sallie Terrell of Word Alive Church International in Manassas, Virginia, share their inspiring story:

"Time for your annual mammogram... nothing to worry about. Right? Unfortunately, life said otherwise. June 2015, we received the results that would change our lives. Breast Cancer had struck our family again in my mother. It had been 48 years since the last diagnosis, my grandmother. Fear and panic were among the waves of emotions that overwhelmed us. What's next? What do we need to do? I don't want to lose my mother like she lost hers. But God...

After we gathered ourselves, we prayed and trusted God to see us through. We had no idea what the road ahead would be like, but we believed God would see us through. Our daily mantra was "No Doubt, No Fear, God we trust you". Yes, our words and faith were challenged, but we refused to give up. Due to early detection, doctors were able to remove the cancer with surgery. No chemo or radiation needed. However, we did not know that she would have to endure 4 surgeries in less than 45 days. There were times of doubt but we trusted God.

It's 9 years later and Mom is still CANCER-FREE!!! To God be the glory for the great things He has done. It is so important to get your necessary screenings because they can save your life. We chose FAITH over fear and God was there to see us through."

The Terrells conclude their testimony with a powerful verse:

Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV) "The Lord himself goes before you and will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."

This moving account from the Terrell family underscores the critical importance of regular screenings and early detection. Their story is a testament to the power of faith, perseverance, and medical intervention. It also highlights the generational impact of breast cancer on families and the hope that comes with advances in early detection and treatment.

These personal accounts from our AFGM family members and friends bring home the reality of breast cancer and the importance of awareness, early detection, and support. They remind us that behind every statistic is a personal story of challenge, courage, and hope.

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Weekly Challenge

This week, we challenge you to take action for breast cancer awareness:

  1. Schedule a mammogram or remind a loved one to do so: Early detection saves lives. If you're due for a mammogram, schedule it this week. If you're not, reach out to a friend or family member and encourage them to get screened.

  2. Learn how to perform a breast self-exam: Familiarizing yourself with your own breast tissue can help you detect changes early. Visit the National Breast Cancer Foundation's website for a step-by-step guide on performing a self-exam.

  3. Share a fact about breast cancer awareness on social media: Education is key to awareness. Share a fact about breast cancer, early detection, or support resources on your social media platforms. Use hashtags like #BreastCancerAwareness or #EarlyDetectionSavesLives to spread the word.

By completing these challenges, you're not just raising awareness but potentially saving lives. Remember, small actions can lead to big changes.


"Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't." - Rikki Rogers

This quote resonates deeply with the breast cancer journey. It reminds us that true strength is often revealed in our most challenging moments. For those battling breast cancer, for survivors, and for their supporters, each day can bring new challenges. But with each challenge overcome, we discover reserves of strength we never knew we had.


As we conclude this special edition of G.R.O.W., let's reflect on the power of awareness, early detection, and community support in the fight against breast cancer. The stories we've shared and the information we've provided are more than just words on a page – they're calls to action, reminders of our shared humanity, and beacons of hope.

Remember, breast cancer awareness isn't limited to October. Throughout the year, let's carry this knowledge, compassion, and proactive spirit. Whether scheduling regular check-ups, supporting a friend in need, or advocating for better healthcare access, we can make a difference.

Next week, we'll return to our regular format, focusing on growth and living our best lives. However, the lessons learned from this Breast Cancer Awareness issue—the importance of health, community, and resilience—will continue to inform and inspire our growth journey.

Stay strong, stay aware, and keep growing! Together, we can create a world where breast cancer is caught early, treated effectively, and ultimately defeated.

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