50 Issues of Growth: Celebrate & Learn with Us!

A pair of "50" balloons used to celebrate a wedding anniversary.

Unlock critical thinking, boost creativity, and master study habits in our golden anniversary issue!

Dear G.R.O.W. Community,

Welcome to our landmark 50th issue of the G.R.O.W. (Guidance Redefines Our Way) newsletter! As the President and Founder of A Few Good MENtors, Inc., I'm thrilled to celebrate this milestone with you, our dedicated readers who have been growing alongside us. This golden anniversary issue is particularly special as it coincides with Hispanic Heritage Month, giving us a wonderful opportunity to reflect on our journey and honor the rich contributions of Hispanic Americans to our society.

This year's Hispanic Heritage Month theme, "Pioneers of Change: Shaping the Future Together," resonates deeply with our mission at G.R.O.W. It reminds us that progress and growth are collaborative efforts built on the shoulders of trailblazers who dare to imagine and create a better future. As we explore this month's topic of Education, we'll draw inspiration from Hispanic innovators and educators who have reshaped the learning landscape and continue to inspire future generations.

In this issue, we'll discuss critical thinking skills, effective study habits, and the role of creativity in education - all through the lens of inclusivity and diversity that Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates. We invite you to join us in honoring the Hispanic pioneers who have significantly contributed to education and continue to shape our collective future.

For more information about Hispanic Heritage Month and to explore resources celebrating Hispanic culture and achievements, please visit

As we commemorate our 50th issue and celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, let's explore how we can continue to learn, grow, and shape the future together, drawing inspiration from the diverse voices and experiences that enrich our community.

Michael R. Morgan

President/Founder A Few Good MENtors, Inc. and Editor G.R.O.W. Newsletter

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The Daily Show Reaction GIF by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

Helping Our Kids Become Sharp Thinkers

Hey there, G.R.O.W. community! Let's talk about something that’s been on my mind lately: critical thinking. Now, I know what you're thinking – "Critical thinking? Boring!" But stick with me because this could make a world of difference for our kids.

In this wild world of TikToks and AI, our young people need to be able to separate fact from fiction and make smart choices. That's where critical thinking comes in. It's not just about being smart; it's about asking the right questions, looking at things from different angles, and not taking everything at face value.

So, how do we help our kids become these super-thinkers? Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Get Curious: Next time your kid asks, "Why is the sky blue?" instead of giving them the answer, try saying, "Hmm, that's a great question! How could we find out?" Trust me, it's more fun (and effective) than it sounds!

Play Fact Detective: Make a game out of spotting fake news. It's like "I Spy," but for the digital age!

Solve Real Problems: Do you have a family dilemma? Bring the kids in on it. Are you planning a vacation? Let them help figure out the budget. Real-world problem-solving is where the magic happens.

Debate Night: Hold a family debate night. Pick a topic—"Should we get a dog?" could become a critical-thinking party!

Think Out Loud: When making decisions, share your thought process. It's like giving them a backstage pass to critical thinking in action.

Remember, this isn't about turning our kids into mini-philosophers overnight. It's about planting seeds that grow into strong thinking skills over time.

Now, I'll let you in on a little secret. If you're hungry for more ideas (and who isn't?), I've written a whole E-book on this stuff. It's called "What's Going On in Your Son's Mind? A Parent's Guide to Nurturing Thoughtful Young Men." And let me tell you, it's packed with strategies, exercises, and insights that go way beyond what I can fit into this newsletter.

As the President and Founder of A Few Good MENtors, Inc. and the brain behind this very G.R.O.W. newsletter, I've packed this book with insights from my years in the trenches of mentoring. But here's a little-known fact: I taught federal employees critical thinking. Yep, I've helped everyone, from fresh-faced interns to seasoned government pros, sharpen their mental acuity. So trust me when I say this book covers it all – from decoding the mystery of the teenage brain (spoiler alert: it's wilder than you think!) to boosting emotional smarts and problem-solving. It's like a Swiss Army knife for nurturing young minds!

So, if you're inspired to go deeper into this critical thinking journey, why not grab a copy? It's like having a mentor in your back pocket, ready to guide you through the ins and outs of raising a thoughtful young man.

Remember, by helping our kids think critically, we're not just setting them up for good grades. We're giving them a superpower that will serve them for life—in their relationships, careers, and beyond.

Ready to unleash your kid's inner critical thinker? Check out the book here, and let's get started!

Keep growing and thinking critically, G.R.O.W. family!

Unleash the joy of learning with The Fidget Game, as featured on Shark Tank, and dive into a world of educational games designed to transform how children read and learn, one fun step at a time.


  Structure and Study Habits

Effective study habits and a well-structured approach to learning can make a world of difference in educational outcomes. But let's face it – in today's world of constant distractions and information overload, focusing on studies can be a real challenge for our young people. So, let's roll up our sleeves and explore some proven strategies to enhance learning and retention:

The Pomodoro Technique: This isn't a fancy pasta dish! It's a time management method that involves studying in focused 25-minute bursts, followed by short breaks. It's like interval training for your brain, which works wonders for maintaining concentration and preventing burnout.

Active Recall: Instead of passively re-reading notes (yawn!), encourage your child to actively test themself on the material. This could involve creating flashcards, summarizing information from memory, or explaining concepts to the family dog (who is probably a great listener).

The Cornell Note-Taking System: This isn't just your average scribble-and-hope-for-the-best method. A structured note-taking approach divides notes into main ideas, details, and summary sections. It's like creating a roadmap for your brain to follow when reviewing later.

Create a Dedicated Study Space: Designate a specific study area without distractions. This helps train the brain to focus when in this environment. And no, the couch in front of the TV doesn't count!

Set SMART Goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals for study sessions. It's about working smarter, not just harder.

Remember, the key to effective studying is finding methods that work best for your child’s individual learning style. It might take some trial and error, but the payoff in improved learning and reduced stress is worth it.

In my book, "What's Going On in Your Son's Mind?", we dive deeper into these strategies. We explore how to tailor these methods to different subjects, how to leverage technology for effective studying (without getting sucked into the social media black hole), and how to develop a growth mindset that turns challenges into opportunities.

But here's a sneak peek at one of my favorite tips from the book: encourage your son to teach what he's learning to someone else. It could be a younger sibling, a study buddy, or even you! The old saying goes, "To teach is to learn twice." Plus, it's a great way for you to stay connected with what he's learning and show your interest in his education.

Want to unlock more secrets to academic success and discover how these study strategies tie into broader critical thinking skills? Grab a copy of the book here, and let's transform your son's learning journey together!

Get your copy and become your son's ultimate study buddy. All proceeds of the book are tax deductible and go to support A Few Good MENtors, Inc.

Our main sponsor, A Few Good MENtors, Inc., is lighting the way for the next generation, providing the mentorship and guidance young people need to confidently navigate their paths to success.


Collaborate Think Outside The Box GIF

Is Creativity Getting a Failing Grade in Our Schools?

With all the focus on standardized tests and strict curricula, it sometimes feels like we're squeezing the creative juice right out of our kids.

But here's the thing: creativity isn't just about finger painting and interpretive dance (though those are awesome, too). It's about thinking outside the box, solving problems in unique ways, and seeing connections that others might miss. In other words, it's exactly what our kids need to thrive in this ever-changing world.

So, how do we keep the creative flame burning bright in our schools? I've got some ideas, and I bet you do, too. Let's brainstorm together:

Projects with Pizzazz: Instead of another boring book report, how about letting kids create a podcast, design a board game, or film a mini-documentary about what they're learning? The sky's the limit!

Mix It Up: Who says math and art can't be bff’s? Or that history and science don’t go together? Let's blur those subject lines and see what connections our kids can make.

Tech It Out: From digital storytelling to coding, technology offers so many fun ways for kids to show their creative muscles. Let's embrace the gadgets for good!

Embrace the Mistakes: Remember, some of the world's greatest inventions started as "mistakes." Let's create classrooms where taking risks and learning from the flops is okay.

Artify Everything: Art isn't just for art class. How about using drama or comedy to act out historical events? Or composing songs to remember scientific concepts? Let's get those right brains firing!

More Than One Way to Skin a Cat: (Not that we're actually skinning cats unless you live in Springfield!) The point is, let's encourage our kids to come up with multiple solutions to problems. There's rarely just one correct answer in the real world.

Choose Your Adventure: When possible, let's give kids some say in what they learn and how they show what they've learned. When kids are invested, the creativity flows!

Now, I know what you're thinking—"Sounds great, but how do we actually make this happen?" Well, that's where we all come in. As parents, mentors, and community members, we can advocate for these approaches in our schools, support teachers who try new things, and create opportunities for creativity at home and in our community programs.

Remember, we're not just preparing our kids for tests; we're preparing them for life. And life, my friends, requires a healthy dose of creativity. So, let's roll up our sleeves and ensure our schools embrace creativity.

What do you think? How are you nurturing creativity in the young people in your life? Share your ideas – let's get creative together!

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Weekly Challenge

This week, we challenge you to engage in a creative learning activity. Please choose a topic you're interested in and find an unconventional way to study or present it. This could be creating a song about historical events, designing a board game to teach mathematical concepts, or using LEGO to model scientific processes. Share your creative learning projects with us on social media using #GROWCreativeEducation.


"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi's words remind us of the timeless value of education and the importance of approaching each day with curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. Let this quote inspire you to embrace lifelong learning and approach each educational opportunity with passion and dedication.


As we conclude our 50th issue, we're filled with gratitude for the journey we've shared with you, our dedicated readers. Your engagement and growth inspire us every day. Looking ahead, we're excited to continue providing valuable insights, practical tips, and thought-provoking content to support your personal and professional development.

Get ready to buckle up, G.R.O.W. family, because our next issue is about riding the waves of career change! We're jumping into the exciting (sometimes scary) world of "Adapting to Career Changes." Trust me, it's going to be a game-changer! We'll chat about how to spark innovation in your workplace (hint: it's not just about casual Fridays), explore how tech is shaking things up (in the best way possible), and share some insider tips on staying ahead of the curve in this wild job market. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, there's something for everyone. So, mark your calendars and get those thinking caps ready – we're about to embark on a journey that could transform your career trajectory. Remember, in the world of careers, the only constant is change – and we're here to help you survive and thrive in it!

Thank you for being part of our G.R.O.W. community. Here's to 50 more issues of learning, growing, and redefining our way together!

Until next week, keep growing and inspiring others!

Warm regards.