5 Years of Mentorship: See How AFGM is Reshaping Lives!

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Dear AFGM/GROW Community,

As we mark the 5th anniversary of A Few Good MENtors, Inc., we invite you to join us in celebrating a journey that has transformed countless lives and strengthened our community. From our humble beginnings to our thriving organization, every step has been guided by our unwavering commitment to empowering young men through mentorship.

In this special edition of GROW (Guidance Redefines Our Way), we'll share inspiring stories and look ahead to an even brighter future. Get ready to be inspired, challenged, and reminded of the incredible power of mentorship! Thank you, and please share this newsletter.

Michael R. Morgan
President/Founder A Few Good MENtors, Inc and Editor of GROW

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5 Years of Transforming Lives - The AFGM Story

Our Genesis: A Dream Born from Experience

The story of A Few Good MENtors (AFGM) begins with Michael R. Morgan, a man whose life was profoundly shaped by his mentors in his youth. Michael fondly recalls three pivotal male figures: his father, brother, and neighbor Chuck, affectionately known as "Chucky" to the neighborhood kids. These men demonstrated the immeasurable impact that positive male role models can have on a young man's life.

Inspired by his experiences, faith, and recognition of a pressing need in his community, Michael created a mentorship program that would empower young men to reach their full potential. In 2018, a 90-minute meeting with close friends Greg Holmes and James Smith became a five-hour brainstorming session that laid the foundation for AFGM.

The Journey to Launch

Michael's path to founding AFGM was marked by careful preparation and learning:

  1. He began by coaching young men aged 20-25 through his local church, helping them with life and career plans.

  2. Seeking formal training, Michael became a mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters in Fairfax, which he describes as "a phenomenal organization" where he learned invaluable lessons.

  3. On the advice of his friends, Michael connected with MENTOR Virginia, an organization that promotes effective youth mentoring. They helped him understand the demographics and needs and how to craft a comprehensive plan.

Finally, on October 1, 2019, in honor of his father's birthday, Michael launched A Few Good MENtors, Inc. as a nonprofit organization.

Milestones That Matter

  • 2019: AFGM launches its first mentorship program, focusing on one-on-one mentoring for young men aged 8-21.

  • 2020: Despite the challenges of the pandemic, AFGM adapts and expands its reach through virtual mentoring.

  • 2021: The organization establishes partnerships with local schools, community organizations, and churches to expand its reach.

  • 2021: Hampton Roads Chapter (HRC) launched.

  • 2022: AFGM implements a stringent vetting process for mentors, including annual background checks, to ensure the highest safety and quality standards.

  • Atlanta (ATL) Chapter launched.

  • 2023: Launch of specialized programs addressing the unique needs of mentees from various backgrounds.

  • 2024: Celebrating five years with a growing community network of mentors and mentees!

The AFGM Approach

AFGM's mentorship model is built on several fundamental principles:

  1. One-on-one mentoring: Mentors devote one hour a week, or up to four hours a month, focusing on the development of their mentee.

  2. Inclusive support: While many mentees come from single-parent homes, AFGM is open to all young men who could benefit from mentorship, regardless of economic background.

  3. Holistic development: Mentors provide a consistent presence, guide decision-making, and encourage mentees to envision and pursue their potential.

  4. Community involvement: Drawing inspiration from global communities, AFGM aims to create a "village" of support for each mentee.

Impact in Action: A Mentee's Journey

One of our mentees has been with the program since its early days. When he joined AFGM, he struggled to find direction and purpose. Today, with the guidance of his mentor, he has improved his academic performance, developed leadership skills, and is actively involved in community service.

"AFGM didn't just give me a mentor; they gave me a future I never thought possible," he recently shared. "My mentor has shown me that I can do anything I set my mind to doing."

As we celebrate five years of AFGM, we're reminded of Michael Morgan's words: "We want to be the light for these young men, to help and encourage them. We want to teach them that they can achieve great things through hard work, but it does take a support system."

From its humble beginnings to its thriving organization, AFGM remains a crucial support system, transforming lives one mentorship at a time. Here's to five years of impact and many more to come!

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Voices from the AFGM Family

At the heart of A Few Good MENtors, Inc. lies a profound commitment to nurturing the potential of young Black males. As the Founder and President, I'm proud to share that our approach centers around the intentional development of these young men through our new S.H.I.E.L.D.S. core values:

The Significance of S.H.I.E.L.D.S.

The choice of S.H.I.E.L.D.S. as our new core values is no coincidence. In both historical and biblical contexts, a shield represents protection, defense, and empowerment - all crucial elements in the development of young men.

The Bible often uses the shield as a metaphor for faith and divine protection. Ephesians 6:16 tells us, "In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one." This verse beautifully sums up what we aim to do at AFGM: equip our young men with a shield of values that can protect them from negative influences and empower them to face life's challenges.

Just as a physical shield covers and protects a warrior, our S.H.I.E.L.D.S. values cover all aspects of a young man's life:

  • Spirituality grounds them in faith and purpose

  • Health ensures they're physically and mentally prepared for life's battles

  • Integrity forms the core of their character, like the strong center of a shield

  • Education sharpens their minds, much like a warrior hones his weapons

  • Leadership prepares them to stand at the forefront, protecting and guiding others

  • Development ensures they're constantly growing and adapting

  • Stewardship teaches them to responsibly manage and care for the resources and gifts they've been entrusted with

At AFGM, we see ourselves as armorers, crafting these metaphorical shields for our mentees. We're not just protecting them from harm but equipping them with the tools they need to become protectors and leaders in their own right.

As Proverbs 4:23 advises, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Through our S.H.I.E.L.D.S. values, we're helping our young men guard their hearts, minds, and futures, ensuring that what flows from them will positively impact their lives and communities for years.

In this way, AFGM isn't just an organization - it's a place where young men are shaped and strengthened, emerging as resilient, faith-filled leaders ready to face the world with confidence and purpose.

Our recent survey has revealed powerful insights from our AFGM community, reinforcing the impact of our S.H.I.E.L.D.S. approach. Here's what some of our members had to say:

On AFGM's Importance:   “AFGM is required! The demand for mentors exponentially outweighs the need and our capacity. We must make the paradigm shift and breed the next generation of leaders.” - Board Member

“With our S.H.I.E.L.D. seven core areas of development, we can change our young men’s directive, mindset, and behavior to achieve above and beyond the limitations they may encounter. The long-term impact and the goal is that our mentees will take the disciplines, behaviors, and character that we help our mentees develop and share it with others, further strengthening their communities.” - Michael R. Morgan, AFGM President/Founder

“I believe that AFGM is important to the community because we need to proactively engage boys and young men in high quality, effective, community programming while they are still growing to help establish a positive, firm foundation.” - Board Member

On Making an Impact: "Recently, I had the opportunity to introduce AFGM to a potential corporate sponsor. After explaining our S.H.I.E.L.D.S. approach, the company executive was incredibly impressed. They contributed significantly to AFGM and expressed interest in partnering on future initiatives. It's clear that our comprehensive approach resonates with those who want to make a difference." - Board Member/AFGM Social Media Coordinator

On AFGM's Future: "My vision for AFGM's future growth includes expanding our impact to support mothers with dedicated programs, increasing corporate partnerships, and establishing AFGM as a household name. I believe our S.H.I.E.L.D.S. values provide a solid foundation for this growth, as they address every aspect of a young man's development." - Board Member

On Program Improvement: "An area of opportunity for AFGM is to increase communication as a whole by having meetings, possibly quarterly, between the leadership of the various chapters and the board members. This will provide opportunities for leadership to share reports of their chapters– successes, challenges, and ideas that can help the chapters and the organization grow their engagement in the community. It would also allow us to ensure that the S.H.I.E.L.D.S. values are being consistently applied across all chapters." - Board Member

These insights from our AFGM community demonstrate the profound impact of our work and the potential for even more outstanding achievements in the future. As we continue to grow and evolve, the S.H.I.E.L.D.S. values will remain at the core of our mission, guiding us to empower and uplift young males in our community.

Our main sponsor, A Few Good MENtors, Inc., is lighting the way for the next generation, providing the mentorship and guidance young people need to confidently navigate their paths to success.


The Pillars of AFGM

Founding Visionaries

We immensely thank our founding members who turned a dream into reality. Their tireless efforts laid the foundation for what AFGM is today.

Volunteer Spotlight: Lawrence Duke

Larry has been with us since day one, mentoring two young men over the years. His dedication exemplifies the spirit of AFGM. As a board member since the launch of the AFGM, and watching the organization develop, I have had the privilege to contribute to the organization in several areas. From an organizational perspective, one of the significant impacts was introducing AFGM to my brother, Rodney Davenport, who was looking for an opportunity to establish a mentoring program in his county. Sharing information about AFGM has led to the pending launch of the Central Virginia Chapter.

From a mentor perspective, having the opportunity to develop a growing bond with my current mentee has had a strong impact. “Seeing his excitement when we meet up or hearing the excitement in his voice when we talk on the phone makes me feel as though I am having a significant impact on his life," Larry reflects.

Partners in Progress

We're incredibly grateful for the support of our corporate partners and donors. Special thanks to Rich Pollard and Trusted Consulting Services for their continuous monthly contribution this year, which will fund our new Scholarship program and this newsletter.

Special Acknowledgments

As we celebrate our 5-year milestone, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to some special individuals and organizations who have been instrumental in AFGM's journey:

Visionary Supporters

  • Dr. Tony Burgess: For his invaluable insight into helping AFGM build our culture structure and for being a consistent donor and friend. Your guidance has been pivotal in shaping our organization.

  • Elise Woodworth: A true nonprofit board GURU, for all her advice and help in organizing our board and providing overall managerial suggestions. Your expertise has been indispensable.

Community Champions

From local schools to community centers, our partners have been instrumental in helping us reach young men who most need mentorship.

  • Board Member Jennifer Roberts and her organization, Conversations in the Community, are to be commended for being steadfast allies and providing insight and support for our organization.

Spiritual Pillars

  • Apostle Dr. Phyliss Young and all the prayer warriors on the early morning Intercessory Prayer Network: Thank you for the prayers, encouragement, and unwavering support. Your spiritual guidance has been our strength.

  • Pastor/Cousin Steve Johnson, The Ark Church in Durham, NC: I don't know what I would do without your jokes and advice. Thank you for being a constant source of wisdom and laughter.

  • Bishop Wesley T. Cherry and the entire Word Alive Church International covenant partners: This is my home church in Manassas, Virginia, and we would not be here without everyone's support. Your faith in our mission and your continuous encouragement have been invaluable. Thank you so much for being the spiritual foundation of our work.

Family Support

To my family - Tamika, Bonita (Mom), Dante, Michael Jr., Lombe, Brea, and Cassius: You are my inspiration. I know I put in a lot of hours for AFGM. Thank you for your patience, understanding, and unconditional support.

AFGM Family

To all board members, volunteers, and mentors, past and present: Thank you for your support and belief in me and AFGM's vision. Your dedication and hard work have made our success possible.

Looking back on these five years, it's clear that AFGM's achievements result from a collective effort. Each of you has played a crucial role in our journey; we are eternally grateful for that.

With heartfelt appreciation,

Michael R. Morgan President/Founder, AFGM

We welcome the Capital Branch of Equitable Advisors as a new corporate partner. With a legacy of over 75 years of service in the Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. Metro areas, Equitable Advisors brings unparalleled expertise in creating financial security for individuals and businesses. Their commitment to community well-being aligns perfectly with our mission, enhancing our combined impact on the lives we touch. Click the image above for more information.

Weekly Challenge

As we celebrate five years of impact, we challenge you to pay it forward:

  1. Share Your Story: If AFGM has touched you, share your experience on social media and tag us.

  2. Introduce AFGM: Tell at least one person about our organization and the power of mentorship.

  3. Commit to Mentorship: Whether you're a current mentor or considering becoming one, set a new mentorship goal for the coming year.

Remember, every action, no matter how small, can create ripples of positive change in our community.


“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own." - Benjamin Disraeli

This quote summarizes the essence of AFGM's mission. We don't just aim to provide resources; we strive to unlock the potential within each young man we mentor.


As we reflect on five incredible years, we're filled with gratitude for every mentor, mentee, donor, and supporter who has been part of our journey. Your dedication and belief in our mission have made AFGM what it is today.

Looking ahead, we're excited to announce our vision for the next five years:

  1. Expand to 10 new cities, reaching 200+ new mentees

  2. Launch our AFGM Mothers Academy to support and empower the mothers of our mentees

  3. Establish partnerships with 20+ corporations to provide internship and job shadowing opportunities for our mentees

  4. Develop a comprehensive online mentorship platform to reach young men in rural areas

We can't achieve these goals without you. Here's how you can help shape AFGM's future:

  • Become a Mentor: Your time and experience can change a young man's life.

  • Donate: Your financial support enables us to reach more young men and expand our programs.

  • Spread the Word: Follow us on social media and share our story with your network.

Thank you for being part of the AFGM family. Here's to five years of impact and many more to come!

Together, we are redefining guidance and shaping futures.