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Honoring First Responders and Unity on Patriot Day


Hello GROW subscribers,

As we come together during this significant week, we honor the memory of the lives lost and the selfless sacrifice of our first responders on Patriot Day. Just as they exemplify courage and unity, we're here to guide you on your journey of growth and empowerment through mentorship.

Honoring Sacrifice - Patriot Day Tribute

On this Patriot Day, we pause to remember the lives lost and the extraordinary courage of our first responders. Their unwavering dedication and heroism inspire us to unite, support, and uplift one another, embodying the spirit of GROW: Guidance Redefines Our Way.

In line with the GROW community's commitment to honoring those who have served, particularly during significant events like 9/11, the story of Donna Fore unfolds. Hailing from a blue-collar family in Austin, Texas, Donna embarked on a remarkable journey by joining the U.S. Air Force after college. Her 30-year service included overseas deployments and pivotal roles in Desert Storm and the Balkan Wars. Despite the challenges of being a woman in a male-dominated military, Donna's determination shone through. The tragic events of 9/11 changed her life, and while she lost nine friends in the Pentagon attack, her resilience and faith guided her forward. Donna had to push herself aside and serve her country like she was trained to do. She was ordered to return to work the very next day. And while she was scarred, her country changed forever, and the Pentagon in rubble, she found hope in the middle of total chaos. Even after retirement, Donna's dedication to service, financial planning, and empowering veterans remains strong.

The GROW family remains steadfast in its commitment to honoring individuals who have dedicated their lives to serving our country, especially during pivotal moments like 9/11. Through our collective efforts, we pay tribute to their sacrifices and uphold the spirit of unity and resilience that defines our community.

The Lost Art of Communication: Rekindling its Importance in Modern Mentorship

By, Micheal Shaw, MSMK

In a time where the essence of connection is often reduced to emojis, likes, and shares, the profound weight of true, impactful communication is at risk of being diluted. For young people, especially, the digital age presents a dichotomy: On one hand, they have tools to communicate globally at their fingertips. On the other, the nuanced art of effective face-to-face communication can feel like a relic of a bygone era. When considering the realm of mentorship, the importance of this art becomes all the more pivotal. Young minds, ever so adaptable and malleable, are shaped not just by what is being said, but also by how it’s communicated. A mentor’s tone, expressions, and even the pauses in a conversation can impart lessons that no text or email can emulate.

Why is Effective Communication a Lost Art?

The digital age has brought undeniable advantages, but with these benefits come certain trade-offs. For young people:

1. Instant Gratification: The immediacy of messaging apps and social media platforms has fostered a desire for quick interactions, often sacrificing depth for speed.

2. Over-reliance on Digital Tools: With GIFs, memes, and emojis at our disposal, it’s tempting to let these tools convey emotions and thoughts, sometimes neglecting the development of personal articulation skills.

3. Volume Over Value: The sheer amount of communication that young people engage in daily can overshadow the significance of truly meaningful, in-depth conversations.

Communication in Mentorship

In mentorship, communication takes center stage. A mentor not only shares knowledge but also values, ethics, and life lessons. Without effective communication:

- Nuances get lost: The subtle lessons, learned from experience, can be overshadowed by blatant advice.

- Feedback becomes one-dimensional: Rather than a two-way exchange, it risks becoming a one-sided lecture.

- Emotional connection wanes: Trust, built on understanding and empathy, is a cornerstone of mentorship, potentially weakened without rich communication.

Bridging the Gap

For mentorship to flourish in today’s digital landscape, it’s crucial to emphasize the importance of genuine conversation with young individuals. Here’s how:

1. Encourage Face-to-face Interactions: While digital conversations are inevitable and useful, face-to-face interactions must be championed. They foster an environment for non-verbal cues, emotions, and genuine connection.

2. Practice Active Listening: Mentors should lead by example, demonstrating that listening – truly listening – is as vital as speaking. This encourages mentees to reciprocate, leading to more fruitful exchanges.

3. Promote Vulnerability: Open discussions about fears, failures, and dreams in mentorship settings can underscore the significance of open, heartfelt communication.

4. Use Technology Mindfully: Digital tools aren’t the enemy. They can enhance mentorship when used mindfully. For instance, video calls bridge geographical divides, while curated content sharing can spark meaningful discussions.

To sum up, as we sail further into the digital age, the onus is on mentors and educators to guide young people in navigating the delicate balance between digital convenience and the timeless value of true communication. By rekindling the lost art of effective conversation, mentorship can continue to be the beacon of guidance it's always been, molding the leaders of tomorrow.

We are pleased to welcome Micheal Shaw, MSMK, CEO, as a distinguished guest contributor to the GROW Newsletter. An accomplished brand strategist, you can connect with him at www.michealshaw.com or reach him directly at 919-424-1210.

Real Motion Youth - From Bottled Water to Business Tycoons

In the spirit of first responders' unity, we spotlight the achievements of a few young men in Atlanta. In today's fast-paced world, it's easy for youth to get derailed by societal pressures and challenges. Yet, in the bustling streets of Atlanta, a story of resilience, determination, and entrepreneurial spirit emerges. Meet the teens of Real Motion Youth, who, when faced with adversity, chose innovation over despair, transforming from simple water-sellers to the proud founders of a promising startup. This article dives into their journey, spotlighting their endeavors, dreams, and the strong sense of community binding them together.

In the heart of Atlanta, when roadside water-selling was deemed unfeasible, a group of enterprising teens took adversity head-on. They swapped their water bottles for pressure washers and founded Real Motion Youth, a burgeoning business dedicated to both professional detailing and youth development.

Alvin Wade, one of the 15 teenagers who joined the venture, candidly remarked, “If I wasn’t part of Real Motion, I might've been on a wayward path, perhaps even jail." The startup aims at not just making profit, but more crucially, keeping these teens engaged, productive, and away from potential pitfalls of street life.

Caleb Fulks, the visionary founder of Real Motion Youth, says, “This initiative provides these teens an avenue to work in a safe environment. More than just a job, it's an alternative to the dangers of the streets, and a steppingstone to a brighter future."

Their business entails meticulous car detailing and professional pressure-washing, servicing varied clientele - from major business franchises to opulent mansions. However, for Fulks, the earnings are just a facet of the bigger picture. He believes the real value lies in exposing these young adults to opportunities they once deemed unreachable. “Witnessing these mansions firsthand, working in them, it instills a belief. It makes them realize that such a life isn’t just a distant dream but a feasible reality,” he added.

Devin Lofton, another teen in the program, credits Real Motion Youth for a transformative change in his life. “Before joining Real Motion, I was always embroiled in fights, trying to prove myself. I was deep in the clutches of bad company, associating with gangs and other negative influences. But now, I recognize and shun those destructive paths,” Lofton shared.

Today, these teens are more than just employees. They're visionaries with dreams that seem tangible. Lofton passionately added, “Real Motion is not just a business to us; it’s a close-knit family. Every day, I arrive at work with a beaming smile. The joy I derive from this is immeasurable.”

Real Motion Youth continues to thrive and is eager to expand its family by reaching out to more youths. If you're interested in learning more or joining their cause, click here for more information.

Weekly Challenge: Elevate Your Networking Game

In honor of Patriot Day's unity, we challenge you to elevate your networking skills. Forge meaningful connections, whether you're a seasoned professional or starting your journey. Your mentorship circle can be the support you need, echoing the unity displayed on this day.