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  • Igniting the Flame of Curiosity

Igniting the Flame of Curiosity


Hey G.R.O.W. Family!

Can you believe it's already February? Not only does this month bring a bit more chill in the air, but it's also a special time when we celebrate African Americans' rich history and incredible contributions during Black History Month. It's all about honoring the past while we look forward to the future.

In keeping with this spirit, our latest edition, "Igniting the Flame of Curiosity," is about knowledge and passion for learning. We're going to learn some truly exciting items in education!

First, we're surfing the wave of the Digital Revolution and how it’s revolutionizing how we learn online. It's a digital deep dive you won't want to miss in our Growth Gateway section.

Then, swing by the Insight Exchange, where we paint a picture of the Arts in Education. Get ready to unleash your creative side and discover how art can be a game-changer in learning.

Over at Bridge Builders, we're tackling a serious yet important topic: Overcoming Learning Barriers. We've got some interesting strategies up our sleeves to help you leap over those hurdles to success.

And hey, don't forget our Weekly Challenge! This week, I'm pushing you to either watch an educational documentary or read a research article. It’s the perfect excuse to curl up on the sofa and expand your mind.

As Allan Bloom once hinted, education can transform our understanding of the world. So, let's embark on this adventure together, lighting up our minds with new knowledge and insights.

Get ready to get curious, inspired, and, most importantly, grow with us!

Michael R. Morgan

Editor of G.R.O.W. newsletter and Founder/President of A Few Good MENtors, Inc.



Online Course GIF by OpenLearning

The Digital Revolution: Navigating Online Learning

Today, we're embarking on a virtual expedition into the heart of the Digital Revolution in Online Learning. It's an exciting time where education meets innovation, and trust me, it's reshaping how we soak up knowledge in the most fantastic ways.

Now, let’s be real – the shift to online learning can feel like navigating through an uncharted digital jungle. But don’t worry! While there are many challenges, this journey is also full of opportunities for growth, innovation, and a whole new way of absorbing knowledge.

First off, let's talk about the elephant in the room: the pandemic. The pandemic launched us into a digital-first education era. Dr. Jane Goodall, a renowned primatologist and a dedicated advocate for online education, points out, "The pandemic has highlighted the resilience of online learning, turning it from a necessity to an opportunity for innovation in education." This seismic shift expanded traditional learning, making education not just more accessible but also more diverse and flexible.

Embrace the Change with These Tips:

Adapt and Overcome: For educators, it's all about making digital lessons as engaging as their in-person counterparts. Think interactive quizzes, dynamic presentations, and live discussions that spark curiosity.

Self-Discipline is Key: Learners, the digital world is yours, but navigating it requires discipline. Set a dedicated study space and schedule to keep the procrastination monster away.

Connect and Collaborate: Despite the physical distance, the digital world offers countless opportunities to connect. Join online study groups, participate in forums, and don't shy away from reaching out to your instructors. The beauty of this revolution is its power to democratize education. Gone are the days when geography or resources limited learning. Now, a teenager in Nairobi can explore robotics with the same excitement as a college student in New York.

Bridging the Digital Divide: Not everyone has equal access to the necessary technology or internet connectivity. Addressing this gap is crucial in ensuring that online learning is a tool for empowerment, not exclusion. Communities, governments, and institutions must work towards bridging this divide, and I know there's still a long road ahead. Ensuring everyone can catch this wave of digital learning is not just a goal; it's a necessity.

The Future is Now: With trends like gamification, AI tutors, and virtual reality, we're not just learning; we're experiencing. We can now explore the Great Barrier Reef or walk through ancient Rome, all from our living room. The future of learning isn't just knocking; it's here!

As we navigate this wave of digital education, let's do it with enthusiasm and preparedness. The Digital Revolution is our ticket to a future where learning knows no bounds, and we're all students for life.

So gear up, stay curious, and let's jump into this digital era together. The world of online learning is huge and vibrant, waiting for us to explore.

Keep learning and keep growing!

Don’t forget Valentine’s Day

Join us in spreading love and support this Valentine's Day with Crayola Flowers! When you order through our special web portal, 10% of your purchase will be donated to A Few Good MENtors, Inc. Just click the image above. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of young minds and empower our community.


Arts in Education: Unleashing Creative Potentials

Today, we're on a mission to paint a picture (pun intended) of how integrating arts into education not only splashes color onto the canvas of learning but also significantly boosts students' creativity and overall development. Creative activities, such as arts and crafts, provide numerous benefits for individuals of all ages. Engaging in these types of activities allows people to express themselves, improve mental health, build social connections, and develop valuable skills.

The Importance of Creative Expression

Participating in creative educational activities allows individuals to express their thoughts, feelings, and experiences through various forms of art. Creative expression can help people process emotions, find their unique voice, and develop a sense of identity. Additionally, engaging in artistic activities can foster a sense of accomplishment, leading to increased self-esteem and personal satisfaction.

Mental Health Benefits

Participating in creative hobbies has been linked to improved mental health and well-being. Creative activities can act as a form of therapy, providing a way for individuals to cope with stress, anxiety, and depression. The process of creating art can promote mindfulness, encouraging individuals to focus on the present moment and let go of negative thoughts. Moreover, creative hobbies can enhance cognitive function, stimulate the brain, and help maintain mental sharpness, particularly in older adults.

Social Connections

It can help individuals build social connections by providing opportunities to meet like-minded people, share ideas, and collaborate on projects. Art classes, workshops, and community groups allow individuals to engage with others who share their interests, leading to a sense of belonging and camaraderie. These connections can be particularly beneficial for individuals who may feel isolated or lonely, as they offer support and encouragement from peers who share their passion for creativity.

Skill Development

Participating in arts and crafts can help individuals develop a wide range of skills, including fine motor skills, problem-solving abilities, and perseverance. Creative hobbies often involve learning new techniques, experimenting with materials, and overcoming challenges, all of which contribute to personal growth and skill development. Additionally, engaging in creative activities can foster a growth mindset, encouraging individuals to embrace challenges and view setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth.

Examples of Creative Hobbies

There are countless creative hobbies to explore, including painting, drawing, sculpting, photography, knitting, sewing, woodworking, and pottery. Some individuals may gravitate towards visual arts, while others may prefer crafts that involve working with textiles, wood, or clay. Choosing a creative hobby that aligns with your interests, goals, and personal style is essential to maximize enjoyment and reap the full benefits of artistic expression.

Getting Started with Creative Hobbies

If you're interested in exploring creative hobbies, start by identifying your interests and passions. Consider trying out different activities to find one that resonates with you. Look for local art classes, workshops, or community groups where you can learn new skills and connect with others who share your interests. Additionally, use online resources, such as tutorials, blogs, and forums, to gain inspiration, learn new techniques, and connect with the global creative community.

Final Thoughts

Creative hobbies offer numerous benefits for individuals of all ages, including enhanced mental health, social connections, skill development, and personal satisfaction. By exploring the world of arts and crafts, you can unlock your creative potential, express yourself, and enrich your life meaningfully. Embrace your artistic side and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth through creative hobbies.


Overcoming Learning Barriers - Strategies for Success

This week, we're looking at a challenge many parents face but are often whispered about rather than shouted about getting our boys organized and motivated, especially during those crucial middle school years. As the President/Founder of A Few Good MENtors, Inc., we have seen similar issues. Inspired by insights from Julie Jargon's eye-opening piece in the Wall Street Journal, we're exploring this as a private issue and a collective journey towards understanding and action.

Julie’s article examines a tutoring center owned and operated by Theresa Lubovich. Imagine walking into Teresa Lubovich's tutoring center and seeing a dozen boys, each trying to navigate their way through middle school with backpacks that look like they've survived a tornado. Teresa's observations reveal a truth many of us are familiar with: boys, particularly in their middle school years, often struggle with motivation and organization.

At a pivotal time when the foundation for future success is being laid, many parents are finding themselves at a crossroads, investing in services that promise to jump-start their sons' organizational skills. The stakes? Higher than ever. The journey from middle school to high school sets the stage for future achievements, including college admissions and beyond.

But here's the twist: this isn't just about boys failing to turn in homework or losing track of assignments. It's about recognizing a shift in our educational landscape that has seen traditional supports for boys—like recess, vocational classes, and even the presence of male teachers—dwindle over the years.

With its endless stream of distractions, the digital age hasn't helped. Laptops and smartphones promise the world at our fingertips, but often at the cost of our full attention and focus. Teresa has seen this firsthand, with the buzz of notifications becoming a background soundtrack to her tutoring sessions.

So, what's a parent to do? Here are three guidance points to help navigate this digital jungle and steer our boys towards success:

  1. Tech-Free Zones: Creating tech-free study environments at home can help minimize distractions. Encourage dedicated study times without gadgets, making room for deeper focus and thought.

  2. Celebrate Small Wins: Recognizing and celebrating small achievements can boost confidence and motivation. Whether completing homework on time or organizing a backpack, these wins matter.

  3. Find the Right Fit: For some, choosing an educational path that aligns with their interests—such as a vocational high school—can reignite the spark for learning. Understanding that there are multiple paths to success is crucial.

As we ponder the future of education for our boys, it's clear that they need reasons to invest in their learning beyond letter grades. They must see the bigger picture—how today's efforts can lead to tomorrow's dreams.

So, let's band together, sharing strategies, successes, and even setbacks as we navigate this journey. Because when one of us grows, we all grow.

Stay curious, stay engaged, and let's keep building a brighter future for our boys!



Watch an educational documentary or read a research article.

This week, we’re not just issuing a challenge; we’re going on an adventure into the world of knowledge and discovery. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, involves discovering the rich and often untapped resources of educational documentaries and research articles. But let's take it a step further with some added layers to enrich your experience.

1. Choose Your Quest: Select a topic you are curious about or know little about. Whether it's the ocean's mysteries, the intricacies of space exploration, the profound impact of historical events, or the cutting-edge developments in technology, choose a subject that lights that spark of interest in you.

2. Documentary or Article?: Decide if you want to watch an educational documentary or read a research article. A documentary might be better for you if you're a visual learner. If you enjoy reading text and uncovering details at your own pace, a research article could be your pick.

3. Take Notes: As you watch or read, jot down interesting facts, questions that arise, or any insights you gain. This isn’t just about consuming information; it’s about engaging with it actively.

4. Share and Discuss: Here’s where the magic happens. Share a key takeaway, an intriguing fact, or a question from your chosen documentary or article in the G.R.O.W. community. Encourage discussion, exchange views, and explore different perspectives. You can do this within your family, friends, or in our community.

5. Reflect: After your journey, take a moment to reflect on what you’ve learned and how it might apply to your life or influence your perspective on certain topics.

Bonus Tip: If you're feeling particularly adventurous, why not create a mini-presentation or write a summary of what you learned? It's a fantastic way to consolidate and share your knowledge with others.

This week’s challenge is more than a task; it’s an invitation to expand your horizons, to look beyond the familiar, and to ignite the flame of curiosity that drives us all towards growth and understanding.

Are you ready? Let’s make this week one of exploration and enlightenment!

Below is an interesting video from NBC4 in Washington, DC, concerning absenteeism in DC, Maryland, and Virginia schools. I would love to know your thoughts about this. Send an email to [email protected] and let us know what you think.


“Education is the movement from darkness to light." - Allan Bloom


Prince William County School (PWCS) Adult Education program offers English Language Acquisition, Citizenship, High School Completion, and Workforce Preparation courses. These classes are for adults who are 18 years old and over and live in Prince William County, Manassas City, and Manassas Park, Virginia. Spring classes are starting soon. Register today! Learn more about their course offerings by calling 703.791.7357 or emailing [email protected]. PWCS provides counseling and information in Spanish Language, too. Please feel free to contact them if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely. Yasmin Wright ICC PWCS Adult Education Email: [email protected] Work: 703 791 8139 Adult Education Email: [email protected] Website for registration information and class schedules: http://www.pwcs.edu/AdultEd Follow them on Social Media: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter: @PWCSAdultEd


As we close the pages of this week's G.R.O.W. newsletter, I hope we've ignited a spark of curiosity within you, especially around the transformative power of education in the digital age. Your engagement and thirst for knowledge are what make our community so exciting and ever-growing.

Here's What's Next for AFGM:

  • Mentors and Mentees Wanted: A Few Good MENtors, Inc. is looking for individuals ready to inspire and be inspired. Our next mentorship session kicks off in March, with a closing date for applications on March 16. Don't miss the chance to be part of something transformative. Our New Mentor Training Course (NMTC) is scheduled for 3/23/2024, marking the beginning of a journey filled with growth, connection, and empowerment.

  • Celebrating Black History Month: In honor of Black History Month, AFGM is planning a visit to the historic Mount Vernon in Virginia on 2/24/2024. It's a wonderful opportunity to connect with our past, reflect on the strides we've made, and inspire our steps forward. Interested in joining us? Shoot an email to [email protected], and we'll fill you in on all the details. Let's make history together!

  • Next on G.R.O.W.: Mark your calendars for 2/12/2024. Our next issue will examine "Redefining Success in a Changing World." It promises to be an enlightening exploration of what success means to us individually and collectively, especially as we navigate the ever-evolving landscapes of our lives and careers.

Final Thoughts:

As we look ahead, let's carry forward the lessons learned and the insights gained into our daily lives and interactions. The journey of growth and discovery is ongoing, and together, we have the power to shape a future that reflects our highest aspirations.

Thank you for being an integral part of the G.R.O.W. community. Here's to continuing our journey with curiosity, courage, and an open heart.

Stay curious, stay inspired, and let's keep growing together.


Michael R. Morgan President/Founder, A Few Good MENtors, Inc. and Editor, G.R.O.W. Newsletter

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